Nochellara del Belice

Asaro Aziende Agricole
Italy (Sicily)

Flavours Toggle

  • Vegetal
  • Olive tree leaves
  • Olive tree leaves (1)
  • Vegetal (1)

Spiciness Toggle

  • Spicy
  • Not spicy
  • Not spicy (2)
  • Spicy (1)

Body Toggle

  • Light
  • Light (1)

Tasting intensity Toggle

  • Low
  • Low (1)

Ratings (3)

Filled StarFilled StarHalf StarEmpty StarEmpty Star

Not the greatest Evoo for me. The buttery texture didn’t sit right in the mouth.

Filled StarFilled StarFilled StarEmpty StarEmpty Star

Soft smell. Veggie side but really soft.

Filled StarFilled StarFilled StarHalf StarEmpty Star

An earthy smelling and tasting evoo. Its body is on the light side and tasting intensity is a bit below moderate. It’s organic and the company labels the evoo as being harvested without “pesticides” and “artificial fertilizers”, amongst other things. This is a strong feature of this evoo. It’s very clean and a bit spicy on taste. I would sip on this evoo on occasion if feeling like an earthy/peaty tasting evoo. I haven’t tried it but this evoo would probably pair well with white fish. I wouldn’t hesitate to cook types of foods (eggs, fish, etc.) with an evoo like this.
